
Waiting for August :')

Saturday 30 July 2011
Lovely Day

A simply update today

This week is quite unhappy...
Whatever just give it passed away

Later tonight have steam boat dinner with my buddies :D

That mean...
My next diary will update about Steam Boat :)
So please wait for me to update!

Besides , it also make me so nervous ( I mean later tonight )
WHY? Because for some reason larh
Ishh! Why must so hard to make a decision? :'(

Hope today everything will be fine :(

Wow! Today is 30th of July
That mean still 1 more day will change to August
Why the time passed so fast?

So...have to prepare to say "Goodbye" to July
And ready to say "Hi" to new August :')
Mika Diary
2.50 PM

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